Thursday, February 14, 2008

Happy Valentine's Day

Happy Valentine's Day!! We hope everyone enjoys this "Hallmark" Holiday! We love all of you!


Stefany Pew said...

Happy Valentine's Day to you too! I just can't help but smile everytime I see those two gorgeous faces! Too cute!!!

jenny said...

Happy Valentines Day to you guys. Love the back ground blanket. Where did you get them? :)

Jon, Launa, & boys said...

Oh, how cute. I showed Trey the pictures and asked who they were and he said "Linkin and Tatum" so then I asked who do you love the most and he said "Uhm. . the Mommy!" Hope you guys have a great heart day!

The Booher's said...

Same to you! Chris likes the Hallmark comment! Your kids are getting bigger and cuter ( if thats possible) they are beautiful!

Gates & Tausha said...

oh my gosh...ADORABLE! they're the best valentines ever!

Anonymous said...

THey are so cute! I wanted to keep them! But then I thought that it was too much work. But I miss them so much!

Darryn and Alexa Lane said...

They are so cute! Its killing me I haven't seen them yet! I can't wait til april when you come down! I love you guys and miss ya!