Saturday, August 12, 2006

Welcome Back to School

Getting ready for all the new 7th graders at Coppell Middle School North!


Jamie & Johnny said...

What a cute picture. I bet all the boys are in love with you and the girls think you're so cool. How fun. Good luck. :)

Kathy said...

kristi i just met my math teacher and he scares me to death!! i wish you are my math teacher that would be so cool Makayla

jenny said...

Since when do you meet your teachers before school starts in junior high? Anyways, I especially love the action shot of you teaching. Did Mark set you up in position for the photo?

Mark and Kristi said...

Makayla- I am sure you will do fine! I wish I could be your teacher too, because that means we would be living back home!

Jenny- Mark came and visited me while I was getting my room ready, so that is a real action shot :)